Monday, August 23, 2010

First Day of School - Round 1

Today's was Evan's first day back at school. I hope that no one thinks I am a bad mom, but there were no tears shed today. In fact, I didn't even come close. Perhaps this is because Evan is the oldest. Perhaps it is because he loves school so much and was so excited about going back. I was actually excited for him, too.

I woke him up at 7:05 this morning. He jumped out of bed and started to get dressed. I reminded him to eat first. He asked me to make his breakfast, and I obliged. (He usually makes his own, but it's the first day of school and all.) He ate quickly and then got dressed. While getting dressed, he also helped me get his lunch ready. He briefly complained about the socks I had set out for him, but continued to put them on. We got the backpack and lunch ready to go, and then I threw on some clothes. He let me take pictures, even posing for me, and was ready to go! It only took about 30 minutes to do all of this. (But I just remembered that he probably didn't brush his teeth.)

I asked him if he wanted to go to school early, and of course he did. That meant that I could drive him all the way up to the door (avoiding the rush), and drop him off. When we got there he was so excited to get out that he didn't even give me a kiss. (But still, no tears!) I can't wait to hear how his first day went!


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