At this most recent assembly he received 4 awards. He was very excited! (He thinks that makes this the best 6 weeks he has had so far. ) He was on the honor roll again and also got Pearson Pride for his class again. This was the first 6 weeks for the first-graders to participate in AR (accelerated reading), and he got an award for reaching his AR goal. The librarian also selected one student from each class as a Strong Reader, and he got that award from his class, too. She took his picture and will post it on the bulletin board outside of the library. I had my camera on Friday, so I was able to take some pictures of him, too. The girl in the picture with him is our carpool buddy who got the other Pearson Pride from his class. Look closely at the picture of his back and see if you notice anything interesting - about his feet specifically.
I also had my camera with me on Thursday when I was helping in his classroom. I happened to be there when he was giving his presentation on his George Washington Carver poster, so I got a picture of that, too.